Thursday, April 11, 2013

Byul Han

Byul Han

                                       Moment#1 (2013)
                                                 15” x 8” x 7” 
                                                 Cement, Wood, Acrylic, wire

                                          Moment#2 (2013) 
                                                    8” x 15” x 7”
                                                    Cement, Wood, Acrylic, wire

                                             Moment#3 (2013)
                                                       35” x 15” x 10
                                                       Cement, Wood, Acrylic

Anish Kapoor

                              To Reflect an Intimate Part of the Red (1981)
                                                   Mixed media and pigment
                                                       Dimensions variable

                                                Svayambh (2007)
                                                          Wax and oil-based paint
                                                          Dimensions variable

                                                                                         Cloud Gate(1994)
                                                          Stainless steel

                                            Yellow (1999)
                                                         Fiberglass and pigment
                                                         6×6×3 m

                                                     Untitled (2007)
                                                          Stainless steel
                                                          205×231×45 cm

                                                 My Red Homeland (2003) 
                                                       Wax and oil-based paint
                                                       dimensions variable

Questions for Anish Kapoor by Byul Han

 - I am so fascinated by your works, especially the one ‘To Reflect an Intimate Part of the Red' which is made with vivid color of pigments. The colors were so powerful and the texture gave an emotional impression. How do you invent materials of your own work? I was wondering if you decide materials before beginning the work, or if you find the concept to help finding materials? Moreover, how do your materials work on your art pieces?

 - When you blend the artworks in the environment like ‘cloud gate’, what do you think about the relationship between the artworks and environment?

 - Your works are made in various scales from the gigantic scale to small scale. What do you think is the effect of the scale on the artwork?

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